Complementary medicine
Seeing what’s important
Arrival in the 21st Century
The fact that nowadays complementary medicine represents an essential part of medical care and the individual recovery process, especially in the 21st Century, is also proven by the high demand for the treatment methods offered at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop.
For the experts at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, naturopathy is just as much a sensible supplement to conventional medicine, as it is a supplier of new therapy approaches. More and more People recognize and make use of this added value. The experienced alternative practitioners and qualified employees of the competence center start their work where others reach limits.
Tradition, modernity, future
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop is one of the biggest and most renowned centers for complementary medicine in Europe. Its founders and creative managers, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, stand for the innovative combination of centuries-old knowledge from the originating countries of naturopathy, as well as for the application of cutting-edge findings and state-of-the-art technology. Their motto is: stimulating the self-healing powers of the body in order to reach the highest possible level of regeneration capacity. In doing so, the two experienced and well-known specialists mostly use their own, specially designed method – the Nabomed® concept.
It is based on a special and advanced micro-stitch technique: external stimulation signals are to be converted into regeneration impulses within the Human body.
Studying the causes as well as comprehensive diagnostics are vital for determining the individual treatment arrangements. The further monitoring of the symptom changes during the therapy allows for ongoing adaptation of the strategy and the natural healing methods applied, for individually optimal treatment results.
Researching, treating, teaching
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop lives by these three maxims. With their international education, their extensive experience and their resulting renown as founders of nabo, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger have built up a wealth of knowledge and skills that they continue to extend and also pass on to others. Not only do they stay in constant exchange with other international luminaries of naturopathy, they also initiate and hold numerous seminars to be able to pass on their knowledge and successful methods to other doctors, alternative practitioners and students.
If People choose nabo, they get to know an institution that is second to none. With the highest standards, competence and passion for the vocation. With authentic care and innovative methods regarding diagnostics, causal analysis and treatment.
nabo represents a new beginning. To this end, a differentiated and detailed diagnosis forms the foundation stone. When it comes to diagnostics, the two naturopaths, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, generally take an objective, factual and individual approach. The central aim is to filter out the cause of the problems and to define appropriate, tangible and new leverage points for therapies. In doing so, the Person and his/her Personal history are of vital importance. Naturheilzentrum Bottrop stands for holistic treatment results.
Causal analysis
For clarity within the framework of causal analysis, People are always considered as a whole at nabo. In addition to the genetics, an extensive examination of the individual situation and physical constitution provides information about specific causes of diseases. This way, relationships and coherences become transparent.
The naturopaths, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, are experts in the area of causal analysis. As experienced specialists, they approach each Person unbiasedly, they take time and react to developments flexibly and competently. The unity of body, mind and soul is the central focus of the Nabomed® concept.
Being a renowned institution, Naturheilzentrum Bottrop has stood for successfully practiced naturopathy for many years. The team of specialists in various treatment focus areas pools synergies and thus, maximizes potentials. The crew of therapists generates individual treatment concepts from the entire spectrum of naturopathic disciplines.
Every arrangement is adapted to the respective condition of the patient. Traditional and modern methods are sensibly combined and employed efficiently. This way, every Person gets the possibility to use his or her own regeneration powers for optimal recovery.