Eye acupuncture training

Eye Acupuncture - Education & Training Center

Health becomes visible - further training for professionals: Eye acupuncture seminar at naturheilzentrum bottrop

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Eye acupuncture training and further training

the eye conditions most frequently - successfully - treated with acupuncture include presbyopia, macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, retinal diseases, myopia in children and adolescents up to 20 years, even blindness caused by brain contusion or blood clots. Christian Rüger and Farid Zitoun (Naturheilzentrum Bottrop), pioneers of eye acupuncture in Germany, have been training doctors and alternative practitioners throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the novel therapy form.
Excerpt from the TV show "nano", on the German channel, 3-sat

Seeing new ways – eye acupuncture and snake venom in combination

Eye acupuncture is a naturopathic form of therapy and can be a useful addition to conventional medical eye treatment, but can often go beyond it. It is perceived as minimally invasive and virtually painless. If necessary, it can be used for chronic eye diseases supported by Snakemed therapy (snake venom treatment). With a wide range, the possibilities here can be manifold, especially in practical implementation.

This special form of eye treatment has been used by specialized ophthalmologists, medical doctors and alternative practitioners in empirical medicine around the world to treat the effects of age-defective vision, dry eyes, macular degeneration (wet & dry form), retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, cataracts in the initial stage, myopia until age 20 or inflammation of the eye, for more than 20 years.

Further education in the field of eye acupuncture

Education & single internship at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop

The first two days will serve to introduce the most important acupuncture points, which do not come from the TCM, but are based on new, that is to say, other systems such as ECIWO, Su-Jok, NPSO according to Siener and excerpts from our special micro-system acupuncture, Nabomed®, in theory and practice. Eye disorders and their course of treatment using eye acupuncture will be presented, explained and practically applied. The second training phase deals with other accompanying naturopathic methods that can successfully support the effect of eye acupuncture according to the individual clinical picture and course of treatment. Practical experiences, case studies and Personal issues form the core of the final training phase. During this seminar, the lecturers will give particular attention to the latest findings on eye acupuncture treatment. To be up to date is to be competent, which, in turn, leads to maximum patient satisfaction.


Eye Acupuncture – Education & Training Center

Where Frankfurt (Germany)
When Saturday, 21. June 2025 — Saturday, 28. June 2025
Language German
Number of participants Maximum number of participants: 16
Lecturers Lecturers: Farid Zitoun & Christian Rüger
Availability Waiting list
  • Seminar already fully booked – Waiting list
    Interested parties can request the seminar here. The nabo is easy and quick to reach

legal information

all statements and descriptions pertain solely and without exception to professionals under the german law on advertising medical products (heilmittelwerbegesetz, hwg), as amended on aug. 7th, 2013. professionals under the hwg are health professionals or health care providers or facilities that serve the health of Humans or animals or other Persons as far as they trade with pharmaceuticals, medical products, procedures, treatments, items or other means or lawfully put them to use when exercising their profession.
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