Reporting on experiences with Naturheilzentrum Bottrop - Encounters
Even the tiniest details deserve 100% attention
How do People experience Naturheilzentrum Bottrop when they first enter it? What experiences and impressions does the health center convey on the very first contact? Naturheilzentrum Bottrop asked an expert from Switzerland. Here is the result-written professionally and unaltered:
My first visit to Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
I am still skeptical in the stairwell. What can I expect when the door to the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop opens? As a born doubter and questioner, I prefer to trust my own experiences, and in the next moment I am confronted with incredible charm: “Hello Mr. Hauser, welcome to Naturheilzentrum Bottrop! Please take a seat”, I am warmly welcomed. I gladly accept and feel at ease in this cosy reception lounge of the outpatient clinic.
So far, neither the ambience nor the patients remind me of an ordinary clinic. Rather, it is a successful mix of a recovery oasis and a health temple.
It is garnished with a refreshing and, at the same time, warm tone, and that from the very first moment. Immediately when entering the bright rooms, the patients are greeted by name and with a friendly handshake. The atmosphere in the rooms is very gentle: friendly rooms with lovely simple wooden and leather furniture. And the pleasant smell! This allows you to gain a comprehensive impression of one of the basic principles of the Bottrop crew:
Successes are returned, an enormous amount is invested in the well-being of the patients.
Even first contact has positive effects
It has become much clearer to me that Naturheilzentrum Bottrop does not preach the holistic approach, but lives it. Nothing is left to chance, no detail is too small to merit full attention. It quickly becomes clear to me what Farid Zitoun so nicely expressed in our telephone conversations across the countries’ borders: “You know, with us, treatment begins with the first contact. And our positive after-effects should be felt far beyond the treatment period. Our patients deserve that!”
I can still hear Farid Zitoun’s words while the first patients are talking about their fate. Openly and by their own accord, these People talk about their illnesses, accidents and great pain. For me it is clear: it is not just about Personal comfort and well-being, a cough and a sore throat, but also life’s fates, even survival. A boy in a wheelchair is brought in. Since a traffic accident, the teenager has been in a vegetative state, long abandoned by physicians and without the slightest prospect of improvement. And now, after the third day of treatment, the first improvements have already been noticeable, reports his mother…
What’s behind it? Tangible vocation and professional dedication
These are the little wonders that awaken my curiosity. What’s behind it?
Of course, all sorts of media have reported on Naturheilzentrum Bottrop: television, the press … During my own advance research, I have admired many success stories, also on TV: from Sat1 and Pro7 to cable tv. But what finally convinced me above all else is: the real passion felt by Christian Rüger, his colleagues and the crew, and their noticeable vocational calling as alternative practitioners. An incomparable professional commitment. The equipment and the very diverse treatments also fascinate me. The two of them haven’t got it easy! After all, all the high-tech devices also have to be operated. My God, just think of all the knowledge they must have available. What can they do with it?
It’s no surprise, miracles seem to happen here. I am totally convinced that the whole crew of therapists is just simply strong. Everything is just perfect. From the seriousness to the relaxed nature in dealing with the serious matter, to the openness towards the unforeseen. Above all, this duo of opposites never ceases to impress. If anyone ever wanted to explore energies in Human form, he could easily do his PHD here.
Trust in an amazing team
Trying to put the phenomenon of Zitoun & Rüger into words would go beyond any reasonable explanation. So, we’ll just leave it.
What I wish the readers of these lines is as follows: the bit of openness that is needed to achieve something good. The courage required to take new paths. And the trust in an amazing team.
I almost forgot: I originally wanted to mention the incredible all-round care, from tips on how to get here and booking a stay to the accompaniment of in-house medication after the treatment. “That is part of our service”, say Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger.
Source: Marc Hauser, Wohlen near Bern, 2005