FAQ & Glossary - Frequently asked questions and answers
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop: Who, how, where, what
In a nutshell: from Snakemed (snake venom therapy) to costs
Informing and caring? For us, this is not only a matter of course for interested parties and patients, but also the be-all and end-all – even before the first contact.
A selection of frequently asked questions, from A for acupuncture to S for snake venom treatment to Z for reliability – answered briefly and concisely here. Our reception team is always the right contact for individual questions.
You can also conveniently contact us and book an appointment online. The Bottrop Center for Naturopathy has stood for reliability, commitment and transparency for more than three decades.
By the way: The two Bottrop naturopaths and YouTubers Farid Zitoun & Christian Rüger also answer many of your questions in their vlogs on the naturheilzentrum bottrop YouTube channel.
What distinguishes Naturheilzentrum Bottrop from other institutions of this kind?
The original, of course
Today, nabo is regarded to be an established institution where naturopathic fields and disciplines, as well as the respective expertise are applied. Its reputation as a unique institution and center of competence is well known, even far beyond Germany’s borders. Besides the pooling of knowledge of different therapists and the sound procedure of diagnosis and therapy, the Nabomed® concept, which was developed by the alternative practitioners, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, based on empirical medicine (healing based on experience), is unique.
It draws on the essence of traditional healing methods, coupled with modern knowledge in the field of complementary medicine, acquired in the places where the roots can be found: from Asia and Australia to the USA. Until today, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger have visited the places of origin many times, in order to expand their wealth of knowledge. Because – at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop – competence means self-commitment.
For the nabo team. Steady commitment and determination is the rule. With a special and incomparable mixture of professionalism, innovation and tact, they have made the center a place which is unique in Europe. A genuine original, for sure.
Regarding which matters can I contact Naturheilzentrum Bottrop?
We are always open to questions
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop is there for People who need help and support, with regard to chronic diseases and degenerative disorders, but it also acts as a prevention center for the health-conscious with the goal to stay healthy, active and strong. Particularly in this field, nabo offers a wide range of services in order to complement and support conventional medical treatments, or – in many cases – to start where allopathy reaches its limits. Naturopathy can be a useful alternative, especially when it comes to cell regeneration after a serious accident, for example, or in the case of eye illnesses, development disorders with regard to children and geriatric illnesses. For further information and clarifying specific queries, please contact us by e-mail or the contact form, or via our Personal and direct telephone service +49 (0) 2041 7207-0. The nabo team will be delighted to call you back immediately.
Does Naturheilzentrum Bottrop also achieve permanent healing success in the case of chronic diseases?
Naturopathic approach
Regarding People as a whole, not only the current symptoms, but also their emotions and Personal history. This is the focus of comprehensive naturopathic diagnostics and therapy at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop and can be considered as a basis for the possibility of permanent regeneration, especially in the case of chronic suffering. The credo: alternatives as a prospect.

Is there e-mail consultation?
The power of encounters
Personal contact makes optimal service possible and provides the basis for serious and effective treatment, especially at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. All employees around the founders, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, are convinced of that, because only in this way a holistic understanding, including all senses, is possible, which is of utmost importance for a sound diagnosis and an appropriate therapy. That’s why the nabo reception team initially recommends a direct or Personal contact.
How fast can I get an appointment at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop?
Surprisingly flexible, despite huge demand
nabo’s professional time management prevents long waiting times despite the large number of requests from patients. The nabo crew makes time – time for what really matters: People and health.
Is there evidence for the effects of naturopathy?
New ways, new chances of recovery
Naturopathy is one of the oldest disciplines of mankind, and it is based on experience from many centuries and different cultures. After all, the major part of today’s measures with reference to conventional medicine and medication is based on the knowledge about the effectiveness and use of natural resources.
Due to its diversity, complementary medicine – as a supplement to conventional medicine – has clearly gained significance. Many People report improvements, and – not only in Naturheilzentrum Bottrop – Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger experience little miracles every day. Many ill People, who seem to have lost hope and therefore have only few or even no prospects, may consider alternative possibilities which enable them to regain courage and, once self-healing processes have been activated, an improvement of the physical condition usually sets in.
Which types of treatment are available at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop?
Complementary medical diversity for body and soul
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop offers the whole range of naturopathy. In some fields, such as paediatrics, the treatment of patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries and strokes, nabo is one of the leading institutions in Germany, thanks to its enormous experience and the combination with traditional knowledge, adapted to modern medical developments. The range of treatments covers different types of acupuncture (e.g. Eye acupuncture), osteopathy, aroma therapy, chiropractics, magnetic field therapy, injection therapy, the classical detoxication process, as well as colon-hydro-therapy.

Does my health insurance cover the treatment costs of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop?
Health services beyond basic care
The services of nabo are not merely based on fixed standards, tariffs (tariff 85) or service tables, but solely on the patient’s health needs and the resulting measures to restore health. Experience has shown that health insurance companies usually don’t reimburse patients for these costs, at least not completely.
Can I apply naturopathy on my own?
The right method
Some types of naturopathy can be learned and are applicable at home for one’s own needs. For example, the massage of acupressure points can theoretically be applied at home. Also, taking care of a proper and balanced nutrition is possible, of course. As with conventional medicine, most naturopathic treatment procedures, however, require careful and responsible handling. Prior to carrying out a self-application or self-prescription, an alternative practitioner or medical doctor should be consulted.
I’m organizing a charity event and would like to involve Naturheilzentrum Bottrop.
Targeted funding priorities
Social commitment is a matter of the heart for the two alternative practitioners, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger. Their regular and Personal commitment in the social sector is visible evidence for that. Meanwhile, the demand for sponsorships, club memberships, monetary and material contributions, as well as Personal attendance at events is so huge that not of all these requests can be met with a good conscience. On the one hand, a true commitment takes a lot of time, on the other hand, supporting too many projects means not really being able to satisfy the individual matter. The consequence: public awareness regarding the importance of such projects decreases. In order to prevent this from happening, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger have decided to support only a few selected projects – ‘on camera’ and with a lot of Personal commitment.
How can I obtain the CD “Quality Time – Vol. 01”?
Limited and unique
The album “Nalabo Selective Health Effect” is a unique project which was deliberately produced as a limited edition by Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, and it is therefore not available at stores. Sometimes, however, the CD is sold on the Internet, e.g. at www.lautblick.de or www.ebay.de. Visiting serious, reputable music and record platforms / fairs is also recommended.
How can I stay up to date with regard to naturopathy?
Never miss anything
You can become a “nabo insider” by means of the newsletter of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop: interesting subjects, news, tips and developments – all at a glance and with added value. This is the nabo service and health package for health-conscious People. In the “news” section of the website of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop you can find further news and learn more about the subject of naturopathy. Meanwhile, there are more and more formats in Germany also dealing with the subject of alternative medicine and its possibilities. Furthermore, a lot of information on this subject is also available at pharmacies, and the range of relevant forums is huge, too.

Glossary & nabomed info point
Who doesn’t know this feeling? You get an in-depth medical report, but don’t really know what it means. It contains Latin terms that, as a layman, you can’t translate or fill in with content. It is important to Naturheilzentrum Bottrop that People can understand their diagnosis and the development of their disease, as well as the resulting consequences.
This begins with a detailed explanation of the concepts of disease and should result in competent advice and assistance. The info point serves as a reference book and provides an extract of the terms that are most frequently used in everyday practice. Just look them up and with one click, know what they’re all about.
Pigmentary retinopathy (previously retinitis pigmentosa)
Describes a retinal degeneration caused by genetic inheritance or spontaneous mutation, where, as a result, photoreceptors are destroyed. It usually begins with night blindness and, in the course of the disease, it leads to a narrowing of one’s visual field and so-called tunnel vision.

Outpatient clinic
The German term “Ambulatorium” has been taken over from the Swiss patients coming to nabo. There, it describes a non-clinical practice or outpatient clinic for diagnosis and therapy.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a psychic disorder often beginning at young ages, which is characterized by problems regarding attention, impulsiveness and often, hyperactivity.
This term comes from Greek and means “foreign reaction”. An excessive immune response to certain and normally harmless environmental substances (allergens) is called allergy. It is characterized by typical symptoms, often accompanied by inflammatory processes. Common examples range from hay fever, allergic asthma, but also allergic skin reactions (redness, rashes) to digestive disorders (for example gluten or lactose intolerances).
A vision defect which occurs due to normal ageing processes. The eyes start to develop difficulties with close focussing, which primarily leads to difficulties when reading. While it is possible for this process to begin in adolescence, a correction in the form of reading glasses however, is typically only necessary at ages between 40 and 50 – in view of People with normal vision.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (“ALS”, for short)
Also referred to as myatrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig syndrome, Charcot’s disease, or in English, “motor neurone disease”. It is a degenerative disease of the motor system by a cause unknown so far. The disease leads to a progressive and irreversible damage to the motor neurons, the nerve cells responsible for muscle movements. ALS is considered to be incurable. The consequences include swallowing disorders, muscle jerks and convulsions, speech impediments but also mental syndromes such as depressive moods etc.

Refers to the controlled and targeted application of essential oils directly on the body (e.g. Wrapping and compresses, massage, etc.), but also for inhalation purposes to maintain and improve health and well-being. The mind and the soul can be influenced in a positive way as well (e.g. Mood-elevating effect).
Has Greek origins and refers to “joint wear” exceeding the usual level of the respective age. It can affect all joints and bony structures of the Human body and is usually characterized by pain and movement restrictions.
A chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with permanent hypersensitivity. In People susceptible to it, the inflammation results in shortness of breath due to a narrowing of the respiratory passages. However, there are also other forms of this disease such as allergic asthma, exercise-induced asthma and psychogenic asthma.
Eye acupuncture
A speciality of Chinese medicine. With Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger as pioneers in Germany. A disturbed energy flow is balanced through stitches at acupuncture points that do not lie on meridians. Indications include glaucoma, cataract, age-related macular degeneration, circulatory disorders of the optic nerves and / or the retina, pigmentary retinopathy, among others.
“Ayus” stems from Indian Sanskrit and means “life”. “Veda” means “knowledge”. Ayurveda thus is the knowledge of a long and healthy life; with all its facets and holistic medicine. Ayurvedic massages and cleansing techniques, dietetics, yoga, and knowledge of herbal medicine are all central elements of Ayurveda. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The aim is to restore or achieve the inner and outer balance.
Baunscheidt method
A classic drainage method (detox & symbiosis). For the excretion of toxins through the skin by painless and bloodless scratching of the skin surface with ultra-thin steel needles and the application of a special oil formula. It activates the body’s immune system, improves local circulation and lymphatic flow, and it stimulates remote inner organs and the hormone system through nerve stimulation.

Colon hydrotherapy
A further development of the so-called bowel baths (enema) and a modern, profound method for intestinal cleansing. For the gentle removal of putrefactive substances, even from the hidden bowel pockets. For the restoration of natural bowel movement in case of bowel sluggishness or constipation. After cortisone or antibiotic treatments, but also inversive drug therapies such as chemotherapy.
The colloquial term for a state of mental glumness and low spirits. In psychiatry, depression is classified as an affective disorder. The diagnosis is made solely on the basis of the symptoms and the course of the disease.
Short for detoxication that, in naturopathy, refers to the removal of residues and other toxins that negatively affect the body.
Translated literally, it means “searching”, and it helps identify a disease. At nabo, this is carried out using different holistic methods: from laboratory diagnosis and clinical diagnostics to full-body scans and eye diagnosis.
A young Chinese acupuncture system that slightly differs from TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), with which diseases of different origins can be treated, and where classical acupuncture is not applicable. ECIWO medicine is not only a treatment method, but also a proven aid for establishing a possible diagnosis.
See detox
Derived from the Greek word for “attack” or “assault”. It refers to symptoms with spontaneously occurring seizures, triggered by an unrecognizable preceding cause. In neurobiology, an epileptic seizure refers to a string of paroxysmal synchronous discharges of neuron groups in the brain which results in sudden, involuntary stereotypical behavioral and (mental) health disorders.
Development retardation
Refers to a delay or stagnation of the bodily and mental development in children and adolescents.
Glaucoma is one of the most frequent diseases of the eye and is usually found by coincidence. A continuous loss of vision through the degeneration off nerve fibers in the eye is characteristic for this disease. It results in the characteristic loss of the visual field (scotoma) or in the eye going blind in extreme cases. The most important risk factor is considered to be the disparity of the structures and the intraocular pressure. There are many forms of glaucoma: glaucoma chronicum simplex, open-angle glaucoma, narrow-angle glaucoma, low-pressure glaucoma, pigment glaucoma etc.

Healing stone therapy
A therapy with multiple benefits. An effective form of massage using hot and cold natural stones of different types (e.g. Lava, marble, but also precious stones), to deliberately evoke the effects of heat and cold on individual parts of the body and the autonomic nervous system. Combined with the effect of a special massage and heat for muscular relaxation.
A Greek term that consists of: “homios” (= similar, alike) and “pathos” (= suffering, disease). It is one of the classical and most known treatment methods within alternative medicine which is based on the concept of the German medical doctor, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, which were published in 1796. The principle behind it: substances or drugs that would cause a particular disease in high doses are processed homeopathically, i.e. given in much smaller quantity (dilution or potency). The foundation here consists of herbal, animal and mineral substances that are mixed into drops, lactose granules or balms. His philosophy: “like cures like” (in Latin: “similia similibus curentur”, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann).
Complementary medicine
Together with alternative medicine, this is a collective term for various treatment methods and diagnostic concepts, which are seen as an alternative or a supplement to scientifically proven treatment methods, as taught in studies of medicine or psychology. Naturopathic and body therapy methods, some relaxation techniques, but also phytotherapy and acupuncture are among the treatment methods of alternative and complementary medicine.
Apart from an epileptic seizure, this also describes an occasional fit without epilepsy or a cramp a symptom of another disease – such as metabolic lapses and oxygen deficiency – or poisoning, where tonic or clonic muscle contractions (“cramps”) occur in most cases.
Light therapy
Vitalizing or relaxing, warming or cooling, exhilarating or balancing, stimulating or calming. Colors have effects – and each color has its own. With a certain wavelength, i.e. Frequency. The have an effect on the skin and inside the body, psychically as well as physically. Effective for enhancing the defence against infections and the physical performance capacity. Here, the indications are very diverse, from shoulder-arm syndrome to light therapy against melancholia.
Macular degeneration
This term describes a group of diseases regarding the Human eye, which pertain to the “macula lutea” (“the point of sharpest vision”) of the retina – also known as “yellow spot” – usually associated with a gradual loss of function of the tissue located there. There are many different forms: the so-called dry maculopathy, but also the wet form. The loss of vision usually begins in the central field of vision and can expand to the outer margins.
Multiple sclerosis (“MS”, for short)
Multiple sclerosis is also known as encephalomyelitis disseminate (“ED”). It is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Multiple inflammations are caused in the brain and the spinal cord. It is one of the most common neurological diseases in young adults, and it progresses in phases. The cause is deemed unknown and the disease is considered to be incurable. The symptoms include, for example, disturbances of eye movements, swallowing problems, speech impediments, but also movement and coordination deficits. Guiding symptoms are the so-called intention tremor, nystagmus and scanning speech, also known as Charcot’s triad.

Nabomed® concept
The result of nearly 20 years of experience at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. The essence of detailed diagnosis, extensive research and an individualized therapy, as well as the combination of different systems using various needle stitch techniques. The result is the Nabomed® therapy – with individual, tailor-made applications.
Refers to a range of different methods, which activate the body’s own abilities to heal itself (self-regulation) and which are primarily of natural origin. These include (according to a definition by Alfred Brauchle, 1952) the sun, light, air, movement, rest, food, water, cold, earth, breathing, thoughts, feelings and will processes. “natural” medicines, especially medicinal plants and their preparations, are included in a broader understanding.
Describes all preventive measures in order to avoid an undesired event or development. At nabo, it is a supreme discipline to not only act preventively and to maintain health, but also to rediscover health.
Traumatic brain injury
In short TBI, refers to every injury of the skull with brain involvement, but it does not refer to mere skull fractures or head lacerations. Due to the risk of brain bleeding and other complications, patients suffering from a traumatic brain injury (also a “mere” concussion) are advised to stay at a clinic for monitoring purposes, or to be admitted to hospital directly.
Stroke (apoplexy)
Apoplexy is defined as a sudden severe circulatory disorder of the brain due to cerebral infarction or brain bleeding, which usually goes hand in hand with a loss of consciousness, signs of paralysis, a loss of language (aphasia) and sensory disturbances.
An ancient stimulation therapy and so-called “drainage method”, in which several small bell-shaped domes are placed on the skin, creating a vacuum. If the skin is scratched (bloody cupping) beforehand, the domes will fill with blood. This local blood drainage helps remove accumulated hindrances in the blood flow.
Conventional medicine
A term used to broadly describe the medicine that is taught and developed at universities and medical colleges, based on the principles of (natural) sciences. The term helps to make a difference from medicinal and curative doctrines and practices that are not part of the curricula in academic medicine.

Snake venom therapy (Snakemed) for allergies
Snake venom – often feared but used in medicine, it can save lives. Snake venom therapy is used therapeutically for allergies as a stimulus to the immune system to reduce symptoms such as itching and swelling. In the best case scenario, the treatment can completely block allergic reactions without any side effects and thus possibly achieve freedom from symptoms.
Injections with animal toxins are particularly suitable for severe hay fever, insect, animal hair and house dust allergies.
Important: Snake venom therapy should only be carried out by experienced practitioners to rule out possible (usually mild) side effects.
This special kind of acupuncture, developed in Korea, combines many aspects and experiences of Chinese, Tibetan and Indian medicine. The versatility of the treatment methods can make Su-Jok a minimally invasive, effective and safe therapeutic and diagnostic method.
Derived from the greek word “spasmos” (= “cramp”), which describes a typically increased internal tension of the skeletal muscles, which always occurs due to brain damage or damage of the spinal marrow.
Thalasso therapy
The word “thalasso” is derived from the Greek “thalassa” (= “sea”) and refers to a treatment using marine substances. The idea behind it: regarding the sea as the beginning of all life and a source of healing. Using its healing powers and the useful substances from the water itself, from the layers, sea ooze and sea salt. For optimizing circulation, body and skin cleansing and to stimulate the metabolism. Commonly especially recommended for insomnia, rheumatism, diseases of the spine and metabolism, arthritis of the hip and knee joints, as well as skin diseases.

Is a vascular disease, in which a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a vessel. Although thrombosis may occur in all vessels, it usually colloquially refers to a thrombosis of the veins. A thrombus is produced by coagulation – a process that actually is a protection mechanism. After an external injury, the coagulation process stops the body from bleeding to death. The blood clumps and thus, closes the wound. Inside undamaged blood vessels, however, blood is not supposed to clump, but to flow freely. A clot here is a disturbance for the blood flow and can lead to pulmonary embolism.
Refers to a symptom where the affected Person perceives sounds that – in most cases – don’t have external sources which are recognizable by others.
Persistent vegetative state (apallic syndrome)
Is a neurological disease which can occur through brain damage. Here, a functional failure of the entire cerebrum, or larger parts of it occurs, while the functions of the diencephalon, brainstem and spinal marrow remain intact.
Work-life balance
Describes a condition where work and private life are balanced.