Talents with incredible power that moves
The nabo team is as extraordinary as the institution itself. Competent, warm-hearted Personalities work here with pure passion. Experienced employees, who exude honest zest, are prudent and take care of the People who need their help and their knowledge. The nabo founders, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, place the highest value on diversity, unrestrained commitment, superior professionalism and lived experience.
Patients and relatives feel it, they experience around-the-clock expertise, attention and loving care that comes from the heart in this special health center. The nabo team creates time and space for truly healing methods and special experiences. Although no magicians work at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, every day, highly qualified People work with patients to perform small miracles again and again.
Comprehensive treatment methods
Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger practice together with a team of carefully selected specialists: naturopaths, therapists and assistants. A crew with extraordinary expertise and experience in synergistic interaction. In this way, Naturheilzentrum Bottrop provides expertise and a comprehensive range of holistic and sustainable methods of healing.
It takes time. Here, the focus is on People, with their Personal history. The nabo crew feels, thinks and acts in the interests of the patient. Always involving family, relatives and environment in the therapy. Competence, efficiency and passion create space for health and relaxation, balance and vitality.
Expertise with charm and refreshing hospitality
The nabo team is united by the love for Asia, its medicine and the spirituality of the People. The experienced German center for complementary medicine is an ambassador for the ancient, centuries-old traditional healing methods. Specialized in the smooth interaction of different treatment approaches, the team acts and treats the patients with empathy and with conviction, even the shiest patients.

Truly stimulating People
Farid Zitoun, Christian Rüger and their team exude an incredible presence. Hamburg, Zurich, London, British Columbia, New York or Southern India are just a few stops on the employees’ journeys through life so far. At nabo one encounters Personalities which are close to nature, Humans and animals. Their open and honest nature make the founders and crew members significant pioneers in the treatment area for alternative healing methods.
Helping People – this is what the whole team is passionate about. Appreciation for the patient and his or her environment are clearly evident at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. Working as a therapist here is not a job but a calling. The daily, positive experiences inspire the patients and the team at nabo and motivate everyone.
The workforce enriches the health institution not only because of their talents. Even as Humans, they are irreplaceable for the success of the individual therapies, gently creating confidence and reducing anxiety and fear. They are in it together for the good of each patient, the family and the accompanying Persons, to restore the regulated flow of life energy.
The team that does magic and enchants
Treatments which involve touching often achieve incredible results and create space for healing. The individual therapists of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop are pure masters of aromathology and true experts of ayurveda spa treatments and healing stone therapies. They always act in the name of patients – with their whole heart and full of energy.
Optimists through and through
The nabo team combines a concentrated joy of life with the greatest empathy: optimal conditions for successful naturopathic treatments. Highly esteemed professionals under one roof give strength when the quality of life is lacking. Special emphasis on kinesiology and diagnostics provide customized treatment. The crew headed by Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger consists of optimists through and through. Allrounders who are always in motion. Boredom? Unheard of!
Moving, competent and kind-hearted
The nabo specialists apply an exceptionally broad range of skills and abilities to the various fields of naturopathy. The recipe for success is inner concentration, extreme sensitivity and constant thoughtfulness – with lasting effects. As gifted listeners, the employees actively and carefully listen and respond to their fellow Human beings and open doors with the matching key.


Ourdia Iftene
Loving, helpful and above all, congenial. Always aiming to pamper patients, as well as the entire nabo crew, with her culinary treats, her enchanting charm and her adorable French accent. Wonderfully pleasant. At nabo, she’s a mother, sister, aunt or just a good friend. Compassionate and touching.
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Annette Rinkewitz
There are People who make you smile the minute you see them, without knowing why. Annette Rinkewitz is such a Person. It is her stalwart nature, the dry humor of the Ruhr region and her boyish directness that make her so indispensable for Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, not to mention her contagious laughter and her positive demeanor. With her many talents, the trained clerk is perfect for nabo and a winning lottery ticket for patients and their families. She exudes so much credibility though her life experience that even the shiest patient and the youngest come out of their shell completely. “I just put my whole heart into my work. That’s why I feel as snug as a bug here.” As a grandma and passionate dog owner you just have to believe her.
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Wanda Rohde
Competence and concentrated joie de vivre, combined with great empathy. These are exactly the right prerequisites for working at the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. Wanda Rohde is a reception manager with over 30 years of professional experience in service and as a contact Person. Competence and incredible presence distinguish her as a Personality and practice manager with closeness to nature & People. She is a family Person and an optimist through and through. Boredom is a foreign word to her!
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committed and competent

Maria Mineva-Shrieh
An extraordinarily wide range of qualifications and skills proves that she is a leader in her field. Starting with calm concentration, utmost sensitivity and care, and then going into the depth of things – with sustainable effects. We may have to literally tie Maria Mineva to nabo in the future. “we’ll take you with us right away”, is the huge rapture we can hear all over the place. Touching moments can also be experienced with her in conversations. Being a blessed listener, she empathetically shows interest in other People, and thus finds the suitable key that opens doors. It’s hard to believe what kind of books Maria Mineva reads: love stories. “and thriller are really getting on my nerves” she says. Presumably, this is the balancing counterside to her fascinating carefulness and warmth.
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