The social commitment of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
Health and more
nabo supports People beyond the scope of the activities of the practice
For the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop (nabo) and its founders, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, People come first. The work and the many special experiences they have every day at the practice motivate the entire team to dedicate themselves to health with full commitment.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone made a contribution towards a healthier, happier world? This is one of the reasons why nabo is also involved outside the practice opening hours.

Commitment within and outside the region
Selected projects that are close to the heart of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop and which it has therefore supported and continues to support also originate in the environs of the greenest city in the Ruhr metropolitan region. For example, these include the Tetraeder Stair Run at the Bottrop Tetraeder or the City Cycling Project.
But nabo’s commitment goes beyond that, as Farid Zitoun explains:

“Projects that can make a positive contribution and are sustainable, that’s what I’m involved in or like to get involved in with my heart and soul. If something persuades me that I can make a positive difference, I am willing to travel all over the country. I don’t focus just on my home region.”
This means support here goes far beyond monetary contributions, as Zitoun elaborates:
“For us, supporting something doesn’t mean being named as a sponsor on any banners. On the contrary: We are at the forefront and strive to reach People directly and convince them of the good cause – including with practical measures. Direct contact with People is what fulfils us the most, and feedback from Personal conversations is not only marvellous, but also often opens doors for others to engage with us.”
Chronically ill children and their close families – a particularly sensitive assignment
At the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, practical experience plays a decisive role in this area, particularly when it comes to volunteering or good causes. For co-founder Christian Rüger, one aspect in particular is important. In his opinion, this is often neglected:
“In our practice, we are increasingly caring for children who are chronically ill. Each of these has their own story – and most of them have suffered heart-breaking experiences. For this reason, we are very conscious and emphatic in our commitment, especially to young patients.
What is often not seen, however, is the suffering of the close families of these children, especially the parents, siblings or grandparents. Ensuring that these too are involved them is a central element of our treatment approach. And we use these experiences from our practice precisely for the outreach in social projects, because we experience every day and thus know only too well how parents or even the extended family often feel in such difficult situations.”

Experience as motivation and opportunity
The opportunity to contribute the teachings and experiences of their profession to benefit the general public is very important to employees of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. The Human being as the centre of attention – this guiding principle is also actively practised outside the treatment rooms in the heart of the Ruhr region. All this under the maxim:
“The good you do to others will eventually come back to you.”
Everyone, whether patient, relative or interested Person, can of course see for themselves what warm-heartedness means at nabo. We welcome all positive contacts and are wholeheartedly committed to helping People in need.