ECIWO is a young, unprecedentedly successful micro-acupuncture system from China. It is a full acupuncture system with which several diseases of several origins can be treated. Research in China has found that ECIWO reaches an average success ratio of up to 94%. In comparison, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) only achieves 80%. ECIWO is not only a treatment method, but also a quick way to establish a diagnosis. Areas, which are sensitive to pain, are identified by therapists on a long bone. They are in direct connection with the correlating body segments, which allows for conclusions to be made concerning the cause of a disease. Today, ECIWO is performed as a needle acupuncture, acupoint massage or electro-acupuncture.
A new point for innovative treatment methods
The theory of ECIWO medicine was developed in China in the 1970s and was to be discovered in various other locations worldwide shortly after. It harks back to Chinese biology professor, Yinqing Zhang. The theory assumes that all body units of living organisms conform with an embryo in different stages of development, the so-called ECIWOs. This is where information on the entire organism is stored. Anatomically, the metacarpal bone, for instance, corresponds to the entire Human body: the tip of the bone represents the head, the middle section to the stomach and the lower part represents the foot.
Behind this is the principle of “the big in the small”. Thus, the different ECIWOs are interconnected physiologically, which means that they “communicate” with each other. Therefore, the ECIWO theory (embryo contains the information of the whole organism) offers a new scientific basis for healing methods of acupuncture and it represents its own micro system that offers promising healing possibilities. If offers valid and reasonable explanations for the successes of reflex zone therapy and those of hand, ear and skull acupuncture.

A momentous discovery
The story of ECIWO began on a journey to Beijing by Professor Yinqing Zhang. When he sat down on a bench after an exhausting and long hike through the city, he felt that his feet ached terribly. Instinctively, he rubbed his hands and noticed, much to his surprise, that his metacarpal bone also hurt.
Upon deliberately massaging this area, he felt that the pain in his feet eased as well. Being a curious biologist, who had been working with acupuncture anesthesia for many years, his scientific curiosity was awoken. He found: the metacarpal bone is a miniature image of the body. If you massage the aching body part at its corresponding point on the metacarpal bone, the bodily pain can be relieved. Zhang then began to systematically examine various bones as miniature images of the body and tested this method on numerous patients with success. Since then, this successful healing method has found many followers all over the world.
- History of ECIWO biology and medicine
- Basic principles of ECIWO acupuncture
- Zhang Fu organs and the therapeutic application of ECIWO
- Yin and yang in ECIWO
- Healing and regulation with ECIWO
- ECIWO and energy increase or reduction
- ECIWO windows on the metacarpal bone, palm, foot and body
- ECIWO / TCM – conformities / differences in organ therapy