modern health trends, health & lifestyle, fitness and nabomade® naturopathy. always keep up-to-date with the nabo newsletter, which includes many health tips, recipe ideas, reports on experiences, current appointments and exciting news from naturheilzentrum bottrop. the newsletter from the alternative medical healthcare facility appears four times a year with tips for a relaxing vacation in summer, for sporting activities, on how to increase the body’s defenses in winter as well as on the use of home remedies. in addition, the newsletter offers small thought-provoking ideas to facilitate everyday life or various recipes for nutritious smoothies. because our motto here is: prevention before rehabilitation. benefit from the wealth of experience that the complementary-medicine practitioners possess, and register for the newsletter. get up-to-date information on lifestyle, diet or events. health news, updates and trends at a glance – compact as well as convenient.

Dear friends, Dear patients, Dear followers of nabo! Recharge your batteries from nature? For many, … Read more

Dear patients and relatives,</em dear friends and followers, dear nabos, ... doesn't "saying thank you" also mean reflecting on the … Read more

Dear patients and relatives, Dear friends and followers, Dear NaBos, You also got mail from … Read more

Dear friends dear patients of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, dear followers and nabos! For us, the … Read more

Dear Friends and Guests, Dear Patients and Family Members, Dear Followers and nabos, 2021 is … Read more

Looking ahead with a quick review and helpful tips for you: they’ll certainly help you to successfully get through the … Read more

What you can do to get the most out of your summer Dear Friends and Guests, Patients and Relatives, Followers … Read more

We look back at the past year and forward to the upcoming year Dear Friends and Guests, Dear Patients and … Read more

Dear friends and guests, Dear patients and relatives, Dear user and nabos, An exciting year is coming to an end … Read more

Naturheilzentrum Bottrop in December 2017 Dear Friends, Patients, and nabos, Along with these lines, we have gathered together some cozy, … Read more

Current news on the topic of spring – knowledge that is compact, informative and easy to use Dear Patients and … Read more

And the best thing is: nabo will remain habitually different Dear Friends, Patients, and nabos, With rapid steps, it’s drawing … Read more