
Spring tips with a practical touch – the latest news for more health and lifestyle

Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
Spring tips with a practical touch – the latest news for more health and lifestyle

An established and good tradition: The new nabo Spring Newsletter has arrived!

The world out there is bustling with new life after the dark days of winter. The sun is shining bright and warm, green shoots are all about. And gradually hope is returning to the world. Confidence that the coronavirus pandemic will soon end, and with it the hope that everyone will return to a normal life.


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What does the new nabo Newsletter have to offer?  Great entertainment, lots of healthy items and, of course, practical information on the topics of naturopathy and sustainable lifestyles. Concise tips & tricks. Specifically: Knowledge made easy to understand, especially for subscribers to the nabo Newsletter! This is now available HERE.

To the newsletter

Gesundheit & Lifestye 2 go im nabo

Farid Zitoun, alternative practitioner and director of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop (nabo for short), also sees spring as a turning point:

“The past few months have been difficult for many People. In fact, no one has had an easy time. The crisis has hit the elderly and at-risk groups or the most vulnerable amongst us particularly hard. But there is now light at the end of the tunnel – despite the requirement to wear a mask.

Spring is unfurling its forces and energy, enabling many to blossom once again. People are smiling more and that is great to see.”

Frischer Wind

It is a time of change – for the better

According to Zitoun, these newly awakened energies can also be understood and used in a larger context:

“On the one hand, you can interpret this as a real opportunity and on the other, you can see it as a sign. The world is waking up from hibernation, People are being given new hope. We can use this fresh wind, this impetus. To develop a new awareness of ourselves, health and our environment.

Freude auf Normalität

A focal point here is an article on the topic of “Zero-Waste”, which we are publishing only now. Incidentally: The next contribution on the topic of sustainability is already in the starting blocks.

Being sustainable is something that I invite everyone to strive towards: Let yourself be inspired and become more sustainable together with me. For now is also precisely the right time to look to the future and to proceed with commitment, courage and optimism.”

Neue Wege beschreiten

Naturheilzentrum Bottrop regularly publishes further background information & easy-to-implement everyday tips on health & lifestyles 2go #nabomade in the news and blog area as well as on its YouTube, Vimeo and social media channels.

Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
About the authors
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
… an innovative health center, a place of relaxation, a naturopathic institution. a lot of heart and passionate commitment paired with specialist competency form the core of nabo. you can find good advice in the health blog with just one click: expert tips, info, and news from the world of alternative medicine. nothing is left out. practical knowledge with the goal of actively encouraging good health. patients aren’t the only ones to benefit from this.
Current contributions
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