nabo blog: Colors have an impact – my heart beats green. What about yours?

Graphic designer Sonja Hagen blogs in the Bottrop health portal about colors and what they say about us
Hello, my name is Sonja Hagen and we probably know each other indirectly, as most of you have already held something of mine in your hands. I was born in the Rhineland area, live near Cologne, studied to become a graphic designer, and have been working for Naturheilzentrum Bottrop for over twelve years. To a certain extent, I have demonstrated responsibility for many projects within nabo’s creative team, ranging from photos, brochures to the web presence. Quite a lot of it comes from my designer pen.
The use of color forms a very special aspect in design theory and in my work. Have you ever thought about why you have just pulled the red sweater out of the closet instead of the blue one? The latter would also not have gone badly with your new jeans. Or why the color green crops up in your home again and again?
By the way, some of those answers you can find in the current vlog of the Bottrop-based YouTubers and naturopaths Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger. Watch the colorful clip here:
Colors can be an expression of the soul – they reveal a lot about us
That’s right! Colors are an expression of the soul, our mental state, our tastes. But colors also produce a certain effect on us as Human beings. Our subconscious mind links colors to certain emotions, which are then triggered off in us when we see them.
As a designer, I can make use of the psychological understanding and associated effect of colors. It plays a major role in the important first impression of the design, since it incorporates various symbolisms. There are both positive and negative associations for every color. Thus, for example, red stands for emotions – strength, dynamism and, of course, love. The color red conveys urgency; it warns of dangers. It makes the pulse race. And one thing we should always remember, especially when it comes to the design of our kitchen: red has been proven to whet the appetite. Yellow, in contrast, is warmth, cheerfulness, communication, curiosity. The color conveys clarity; it stands for optimism and youth. Yellow is soothing on babies and small children. However, it can also irritate the eyes.
Good remedy against hunger: blue works as an appetite suppressant
Blue symbolizes cold and unapproachability. But also peace, calm and harmony. And the color has exactly the opposite effect to red: blue is regarded as an appetite suppressant”, subduing our feelings of hunger. Men like the color blue – that has been proven. Perhaps because blue tones convey the feeling of security and trust. Moreover, scientists have determined that blue also promotes our productivity and creativity.
As you can see, the psychology of colors is exciting. Because how we live, how we dress, what colors we find pleasant or less pleasant – all this reveals a lot about us, our lifestyle, our character, about how we tick. And, of course, advertisers, planners and salesPeople also know how they can make use of these insights. Accordingly, orange prompts us to buy, sell and log on. And it leads to impulse purchasing. Pay attention to the next time you want to splash out while shopping. Is the interior of the boutique perhaps painted in subtle orange?
The color green is recommended to calm down after the excitement of shopping. When a friend told me quite proudly in summer that she had painted her living room green, I was initially more than skeptical. But in the meantime, the room has become a real oasis of well-being for me. I’m just glad to be there. And this is undoubtedly due to the high relaxation factor, which the color green emits. I use colors in a specific way in my work, but when I paint with acrylics or watercolors in my spare time, then I unconsciously end up with shades of green or blue again and again.
Color therapy against stress and tension
Think about what colors have played the main role your life.
Colors are also used for therapeutic purposes at nabo, with Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger. With so-called chromotherapy (color therapy), good treatment results can often be achieved for rheumatic problems, anxiety, restlessness, stress symptoms, learning difficulties, diseases of the musculoskeletal system or even muscular tension. The therapeutic irradiation can compensate for energy problems, as the two naturopaths have explained to me. And it can appropriately complement and support the effect of acupuncture treatments. The aim is to activate the body’s self-healing powers.
The next time you are at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, just pay attention to how their therapy room has been designed. Because the realization that the color spectrum of light has a comprehensive effect on organisms as a whole has also been seized upon in terms of the interior design there. Through the use of colors and their wavelengths, our brains and nervous systems are stimulated, activating and supporting healing and relaxation processes. My favorite room at nabo? Clearly, the green treatment room. For me, it means pure relaxation. And I wish you that too.
Sonja Hagen
Do you also have favorite colors? If so, what are they, what do you associate with them, and/or what colors make you feel particularly good? I await your comments with interest.
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