
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop blog – how vacations can continue to have long-term effects

Guest author Monika Haase
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop blog – how vacations can continue to have long-term effects

Current nabo blog topic: respite promotes health

Hello, my name is Monika Haase. I have been a naturopath and senior assistant at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop for many years. From many discussions with patients or within my circle of friends, I know how important long-lasting respite is after a vacation – along with good health care. True to the motto ‘prevention before rehabilitation’. This is why I am pleased to be able to speak from experience on this topic in today’s Naturheilzentrum Bottrop blog. In my post, I blog about my experiences and give simple tips on how to extend the enjoyment of your vacation.

Vacations are wonderful, aren’t they? For once, you don’t have to set your alarm clock to be at work on time. Instead, you can start the day with a hearty breakfast while making plans for a cycling tour around the lake, a few days in the mountains, or time by the sea.


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Just for a while, you can leave all your cares behind, do nothing, get some rest, and recharge the batteries. It does you good. I feel as though I’ve been reborn…as if someone has pressed the reset button. I’m sure you know the feeling. I could conquer the world. Figuratively speaking, I mean. Full of a zest for life. And I am happy to get going once more. The nabos are back from the summer break. I’m eager to hear what colleagues – and, of course, the patients – have to say. Looking forward to all the summer-vacation tales, the brief and the extended moments of happiness that connect every individual. And I am pro-active in ensuring that my respite lasts as long as possible.

I found a shell on the beach. It’s already on my desk at the naturopathic practice, as a small reminder of my days off by the sea. A holiday souvenir that I can view for the duration of the entire working day. It immediately evokes the sense of what respite feels like. A little time out that reminds me again and again, for fractions of a second, of this feeling of relaxation and respite. I know how well this works from previous years.

Der Trend von morgen im Naturheilzentrum Bottrop Blog - Das Urlaubsfeeling auf der Arbeit beibehalten

Maintaining the vacation feeling at work – the health trend of tomorrow?

This morning, before the start of service, I asked my colleagues – as well as my two superiors Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger – for their recommendations with regard to maintaining feelings of respite. They gave me three exciting tips to take away with me and use for this blog post:

  1. Treat yourself to some preparation time: i.e., don’t go directly back into the office on the day after returning from your vacation. Consciously prepare to resume your job at your own pace. The adjustment will not be as hard then.
  2. Take a relaxed approach: work that has accumulated at the workplace over two or three weeks, does not have to be completely dealt with on the first day. It’s also totally impossible. Instead, make a to-do list, so that the priorities are clear and you can tackle them one by one.
  3. Enjoy the memories: you’ll immediately feel as though you’ve been transported back on vacation, when you again enjoy delicious paella, fresh fish or delectable pasta at home. So simply cook your favorite vacation recipes once more. This is a little piece of advice, which has a great effect and, moreover, is also healthy.

What do you do in order to get as much respite as possible during the (working) day? Do you also have a shell on your desk or is it best for you to have a vacation photo on your pin board? We look forward to receiving ideas and suggestions in the comments section on how to extend the vacation feeling in everyday life.

Guest author Monika Haase
About the author
Guest author Monika Haase
... ein sehr herzlicher und optimistischer mensch. mit einer menge lebenserfahrung und als mutter von drei kindern, lässt sich die heilpraktikerin so schnell nicht aus der ruhe bringen. ihre lebensfreude überträgt sich dabei ganz nebenbei auf ihr umfeld. vertraut mit der schulmedizin und fachkundig in naturheilverfahren.

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