The naturopath, Farid Zitoun blogs: About the courage to take the path to your own happiness
In search of happiness? The Bottrop-based vlogger shows how easy it is to find a little or a lot of happiness in everyday life
My name is Farid Zitoun and in everyday practice, together with my colleague, Christian Rüger, we take care of People who are not doing well in life and feel down on their luck now and then.
For the last time this year, we say “Welcome to the nabo blog!” The end of the year offers the opportunity to take a look back and a chance to gaze into the future – and not just at the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop (“nabo” for short). At the forefront for many People is the question of happiness. What made me happy? What can I do to be happy in the future, and above all, to remain happy? We also deal with this exact topic in the current vlog. Inspired by the actress and presenter, Anke Engelke, who was searching for answers as to what happiness is and when People pursue happiness. But take a look for yourselves:
Those who suffer from health issues, often despair of their own situation. I experience this regularly at our naturopathic practice. It’s no wonder because even a slight cold sometimes succeeds in disrupting our physical and mental equilibrium. It is then all the more important to find and recognize even little moments of happiness. Of course, these are completely individual and can manifest in different ways.
Feel more happiness in everyday life – tips from the experts in lifestyle and health
As an alternative-medicine practitioner, I have compiled some typically #nabomade tips for the readers of the nabo blog. They are on the subject of becoming and remaining happy, and I would, of course, like to share them with you here. They can ensure that the proverbial sunshine breaks through at least once a day in between worries, stress and annoyance. This is important for every area of life: Studies show, for example, that happy People are significantly more successful in their jobs than unhappy colleagues (see here:
- Maintain relationships: Experts point out that we actually only need one thing to be happy – i.e. good, stable relationships (see: It’s not just the partner who plays a role here, but the entire social environment too. Here, however, quality is more important than quantity – it’s better to have a few good friends than several superficial ones. Moreover, relationships not only occur in our private lives, but in business as well. When, for example, did you last have a laugh with your colleagues? And speaking of laughter:
- Laughter also makes you happy: Those who laugh regularly also contribute to their own happiness. We have already put together some important background information on the subject of laughter and health for you here:
- Reduce stress: Whether it’s at work or in your private life – stress can stand in the way of your happiness. Stress should therefore be reduced if possible – whether that’s in the form of sports, relaxation techniques or deliberate time-out. So-called quality time creates a balance and helps you keep a cool head in tense situations.
Even chocolate makes you happy – but only temporarily
Those who are feeling sad might like to turn to chocolate in such moments. Sounds strange, but it actually helps. Studies prove that the ingredients in chocolate have a noticeable effect on the Human psyche (
Unfortunately, the feelings of happiness that are “absorbed” with chocolate, fruit & Co., do not last long – and an alternative is then required. I am sure that you can integrate one or two of my tips as a little piece of happiness into your everyday lives. It’s best to just do it – everyone’s a winner here.
But I’m now interested in how the readers of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop blog bring about their own happiness. Whether it’s with chocolate or quality time, how can you create your Personal moments of happiness? I look forward to your creative input and the other readers certainly do, too. Commenting is therefore expressly desired! I wish you all the best and I look forward to your suggestions. And now quite literally “get happy”. And by the way, do not miss out! You can also find more exciting information about happiness here in the nabo Tumblr blog:
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the nabo team invites you to exchange your experiences, contributions and opinions on the blog by using the comment function. this exchange should be free, open and friendly. please take care to write fairly and to stay on topic. even if you do not share the opinions expressed in others’ comments. the possibility to write comments on the blog posts is exclusively related to the topics treated within said posts. we would be glad to answer all of your specific questions related to therapies or descriptions of individual maladies or read your remarks about naturheilzentrum bottrop : simply come see us or call or write us Personally.