#nabomade: How lifestyle videos with humor are created by the naturopathic practice

Bottrop-based naturopaths with good hearts – in front of and behind the camera
Hello from Essen! I am Sebastian Karras and as a creative mind, I’m also responsible for everything to do with the filming process, when the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop team (“nabo” for short) is out and about once more, conveying current trends in the field of lifestyle and health to patients, users, and subscribers. Working with the two YouTubers, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger has already resulted in many interesting videos that are not only available on nabo’s YouTube channel, but can also be accessed on numerous other social media platforms.
As the Managing Director of the company, Firmenvideo NRW, I am at home at many different filming locations aside from Bottrop’s naturopathic practice, e.g. for TV production. Videos display their advantages here through added value for the viewers and the vivid way of sharing content and information – e.g. in the form of explanatory videos. I am happy to give the readers of my guest article an insight into my work here, on the nabo blog.
Brochures or flyers? Videos aimed at target groups really are in vogue
Digitization has brought about major changes in almost all areas of life. Companies of all sizes have also taken note of this – social media now makes information and news public, where traditional advertising did so in the past. Brochures and flyers are out – informative videos are in! Above all, studies prove that users clearly prefer moving pictures – especially on social networks (Source: http://www.absatzwirtschaft.de/top-studie-nachfrage-nach-videos-waechst-ungebrochen-unterhaltsame-videos-kommen-auf-sozialen-netzwerken-am-besten-an-125783/). “Like and share” is the motto because sharing is caring.
Professionalism beyond the practice work – including during the filming process
The facility for integrative medicine in the Ruhr area is almost ahead of its time – as they have been producing short, informative films with a dash of wit on lifestyle, health, and naturopathy for a long while. Not just for patients, but for all those who want to keep themselves informed on trends, traditions, and things worth knowing about complementary medicine. However, climate protection and living together with nature aren’t in short supply either. What should at least be known is that the professional vlogs which viewers see e.g. on Vimeo or Instagram, need the full commitment of an entire team. This is therefore not an incidental undertaking, but requires good research, solid groundwork and, above all, you have to enjoy doing this for others.
The greatest recognition is also, at the same time, the nicest compliment. Every comment, ‘like’ and ‘thumbs up’ is a huge reward for me as a cameraman – and also makes some of our watchable bloopers sweeter. You just have to see them. Incidentally, I have exclusively compiled some of them in my latest #nabomade outtake video – of course, not without ulterior motives because slip-ups, blackouts, and fluffing your lines are just part of the shooting process, and also provide a lot of fun behind the scenes.
When things go wrong – then the perfect outtake is guaranteed
Anyone can make mistakes – but bloopers should be good ones. Here are my (not so serious) tips for e.g. the perfect bloopers:
- Humor is just part of the process: Whether it’s a slip-up or a switched prop – you just have to laugh in spite of it all. Filming without some sort of mishap is virtually impossible. By the way, laughter not only makes you beautiful, but healthy too – as attentive readers of the nabo news may recall: https://naturheilzentrum.com/en/news/nabomed-laughter-is-the-best-medicine/
- Distraction helps you get over embarrassing moments: Has your mind ever gone blank when reciting your lines? This breakdown can be bridged – the YouTuber, Farid Zitoun demonstrates this and knows how it’s done!
- Sophisticated video editing ensures appealing results: Videographers not only master the camera work, but also the post-production process on the computer. Often, the post-production takes even more time than the actual shooting. The efforts needed for editing, music or sound, and minor faux pas on set require at least as much attention – and some readers of my guest post here on the nabo blog will certainly have had one experience or another when recording videos on their cellphones.
So, enough about me. Now it’s your turn: Have you ever made a video yourself where one thing or another went awry? Write and tell me about your experiences. I’m curious to know!
Read more about: Good teamwork.
Netiquette for respectful communication
the nabo team invites you to exchange your experiences, contributions and opinions on the blog by using the comment function. this exchange should be free, open and friendly. please take care to write fairly and to stay on topic. even if you do not share the opinions expressed in others’ comments. the possibility to write comments on the blog posts is exclusively related to the topics treated within said posts. we would be glad to answer all of your specific questions related to therapies or descriptions of individual maladies or read your remarks about naturheilzentrum bottrop : simply come see us or call or write us Personally.