Naturheilzentrum news: Teamwork? Good, healthy and, above all, right

About togetherness and perfection – with each other on the path toward success #nabomade
Those who never work in a team won’t know how joint work with colleagues and staff can support their own success. The better you know each other, the better the results will be – as evidenced by recent studies (source:
“For us as practitioners, naturopaths, and responsible managers at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, it is incumbent on us to ensure that our employees enjoy a harmonious working environment,” explains the Bottrop-based naturopath, Christian Rüger. “Working hand-in-hand has proven to be a successful strategy, especially during times which can bring heavy workloads here and there. It’s one for all and all for one. Being together is definitely much better,” adds his colleague, Farid Zitoun.
The current blooper videos by the vloggers, Zitoun and Rüger show what really good teamwork at nabo (short for ‘Naturheilzentrum Bottrop’) also creates behind the scenes. Totally naturally. Because even when the filming process doesn’t quite go to plan, the camera can just keep rolling – and that’s worth it, as you can see.
Patients, relatives and staff – a community at the naturopathic practice
A functioning team is continually present for patients and relatives at nabo, and everyone is part of it. This maximizes the possibilities, knowledge, and ultimately underscores the development of alternative treatment concepts. Holistic approaches that complement and support each other.
Science has recognized this; in a study conducted by the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, researchers from the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology found that successful teamwork is indispensable in medical rehabilitation. (Source of the study:
By People – for People: Regular feedback on videos, blogs and news articles shows that it is even important to readers, users and subscribers if each individual plays a big role on the whole.
Three tips from the naturopathic practice: solidarity is in – lone fighters are out
Here are some tried-and-tested ‘dos’ for those who also want to focus more on solidarity and teamwork in their own everyday lives – whether it’s at work or in private:
- Communication: The team should have an optimal communication culture – all team members must be able to communicate openly and freely. Listening can also help to avoid misunderstandings. This creates an efficient working structure.
- Role allocation: It must, of course, be clear from the beginning who will do which task within the team. This also applies to the team leadership and creates clarity for everyone in terms of communication.
- We-feeling: Experiencing togetherness and being part of the whole enables everyone to work efficiently – and with enjoyment. The ‘we-feeling’ is strengthened e.g. through joint ventures and positive feedback. At Naturheilzentrum Bottrop, this also includes the films on YouTube. Because during the filming process on set, one Person or another will contribute outtakes and funny bloopers, enabling the we-feeling to be shared with the users and readers.
Nabo conclusion: Be careful, be respectful and listen – that’s really important when it comes to yourself and your colleagues. Not only for your well-being, but above all for your health. Stay healthy!
More info here on #nabomade.