
Healthy thoughts: prescriptions that no doctor prescribes

Farid Zitoun
Healthy thoughts: prescriptions that no doctor prescribes

Appreciate what has value

A wonderful day from Bottrop! I am Farid Zitoun, alternative practitioner and together with Christian Rüger institute director at the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. At the turn of the year and in line with the re-blooming of nature, I would like to invite you on a thought walk around the topic of self-healing powers! Mother Nature gives us Humans much more than we need to live. She also gives us what we desire. Leaves of various plants for aromatherapies, a body for locomotion and communication, and above all: the ability to heal ourselves. Like a real superhero. Those who know where to look for their remedies can enjoy special riches. And today I want to make you a particularly rich Person!

Cute fabric gnome with sunglasses on the edge of fountain in the Alps
Secret Santa with a difference: health from nature awakens the powers of self-healing

The forces of nature

If you look closely, you will find an almost limitless variety of healing powers in the big wide world. However, those who do not make their own contribution to their own well-being also make it more difficult for naturopathy to succeed. Especially in winter it is therefore important that you become more aware of your immune system and many other internal processes. The Human organism needs strength and energy to do its work. It gets this primarily through food. Food not only by water, fruit, vegetables – also from the inside everyone can nourish its body. Secret ingredient number one: positive thinking! The balance between your eating habits, physical activities and your mental attitude forms the basis of daily development.

My health tip for you: avoiding gloom is a skill you can learn. It has a preventive as well as a healing effect on physical and mental ailments. What you need to do this is secret ingredient number two: a healthy level of mental toughness. The natural resources available are valuable supporters to help you build it. If you want to know more about this, I can also recommend our recent news article on Resilience!

Flowering summer meadow in the mountains
Take a deep breath again – with health tips from the Natural Healing Center Bottrop

Wholistic health – in dialogue with Father Frost

Winter always puts People to the test. As the environment grows darker, the slightest light can make it shine again, making the coldest season a welcome part of life. Do you sometimes catch yourself in a phase of melancholy? Then it’s the perfect time to reach for secret ingredient number three: initiative! Redirect your thoughts and form something positive out of them. With a little practice, this rethinking will become easier and easier and will get you through the winter in a healthy and good mood.

With this bit of self-discipline, you can turn an impending winter blues into a positive, motivating mood. Whether you imagine appealing images, remember beautiful moments from the past, think about next summer, or spontaneously decide to engage in a new activity: Your Personal approach to emotions and your attitude to life play a major role in determining the quality of your life. But how can nature help?

Laughing snowman
We smile away the cold – With our tips the winter blues have no chance

Nature and health – what works how?

To support your physical as well as mental health holistically, the planet Earth offers a variety of particularly gentle, but very effective measures. Plants have always helped to treat, heal and prevent diseases. Exercise and fresh air are also basic needs of your defense system.

The effects show themselves in different ways. However, your own attentiveness is indispensable: Optimize your eating habits – and the success of alternative medicine will show its best side. If you combine nutrition and positive thinking with sporting activities, the improvement in your state of health is even more noticeable.

Balm for the soul

This phrase doesn’t come from anywhere: in fact, People talk about balm for the soul when they want to do something especially good for it. And even better: Balm for the soul, the number four secret ingredient, costs nothing!

Tempting coffee table in the country inn Ruedihus in the Bernese Oberland
Whoever allows himself to rest and rests in himself is on the best path to resilience, the alternative practitioner knows!

Balancing movement and rest

Part of natural healing is based on the principle of exercise therapy. The list of options is extensive, ranging from physical therapy and physiotherapy to dance and strength training. Primarily, it addresses, builds and strengthens your muscles. Indirectly, it also affects organ functions, such as the heart muscle. In some cases, regular and consistent exercise therapy is particularly effective; for example, in the treatment of obesity and as a countermeasure for rheumatic diseases as well as arthritis and arthrosis. It is also suitable as a prophylactic measure for diseases of civilization such as heart failure or high blood pressure.

In balance with this is a quantum of relaxation, recreation and rest. Exercise is good – but being constantly under power puts more strain on your body than exercise can help it. Mental (mental) stress also makes it difficult for your immune system and your general condition during the day. Are you at the beginning of your healing process? Are you finding it difficult to seemingly quiet your mind at the push of a button? Then I recommend an excursion into herbalism.

To find your inner joy and enthusiasm for the smallest things, herbs or certain fruits can be very helpful, especially at the beginning of the change in your lifestyle. Valerian, for example. It brings you inner peace and promotes sleep quality. On particularly stressful days, real lavender strengthens your nerves and relaxes you in tense situations. St. John’s wort helps against mild to moderate moods, and sham myrtle counteracts a sensitive nervous system and nervousness.

Half grown fox curiously watching the photographer
Be as smart as the fox: he knows the balance between rest and movement!

Nutrition: air and love as a foundation

Your health is not solely controlled by a satisfied stomach. While a balanced diet is a major contributor to physical and mental health, combining it with a few other beneficial measures plays an essential role, most notably: oxygenation. Fresh air. Even the healthiest diet has half the potential if you find yourself fretting over too many tomatoes at every meal, and persisting in tedious poking around. Again, positive energy comes into play, which is predominantly controlled by your own thoughts.

Again, without your own input, success is only half as great. That’s why I’d like to add the following tips to your heart:

  • Start each day with a positive thought and set yourself a daily goal.
  • Integrate several breaks into your daily routine and practice relaxation exercises.
  • Walk daily.
  • Reduce your time in front of screens (computers, tablets, smartphones and TV).
  • Increase your social contacts.
  • Reflect on your day in the evening and note the biggest success or something you are especially grateful for. Create beautiful images in your mind before going to bed.

Speaking of nutrition: On our YouTube channel we have compiled lots of informative and exciting videos about healthy and healing food for you – for example, you can learn all about the enormous health potential of our favorite vegetable, the carrot!


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NaBo – Innovation can also be found in nature

At the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop we maintain a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. I Personally stand behind the natural resources that often make naturopathic treatments so successful. For your Personal growth I would like to suggest the positive possibilities to you as well. Naturopathy brings nature to your home without the use of synthetically produced pharmaceuticals. In the end, you often only need one often neglected healing medicine – and that is often yourself. Discover your ability to heal yourself today at the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop.

Living, loving, laughing – a positive attitude fundamentally promotes our health. This is also proven by scientific studies. Let contentment, joy and love into your everyday life. But above all, let yourself be inspired by exactly that.

I would be very happy if you would share your motivating experiences here in the comments with me and the other readers. According to the beautiful thought: “sharing is caring” …


Your Farid Zitoun

Farid Zitoun
About the author
Farid Zitoun
… repeatedly infects people with his good mood and warm-hearted manner. competency, benevolence, and an eye for the patient behind the illness characterize one of the two founders of naturheilzentrum in the ruhr area. with his boundless energy and a great deal of commitment, farid zitoun puts in a lot of effort for his patients (and beyond) on a daily basis. this is so they are able to rediscover their courage. paediatrics is one of his particular specialties and a topic that is very close to the heart of the passionate alternative-medicine practitioner.

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