
Circulatory problems in summer – what to do? Circulatory tips in the heat

Christian Rüger
Circulatory problems in summer – what to do? Circulatory tips in the heat

What anyone can do about circulatory problems in summer

Hello from Bottrop! I am Christian Rüger. As a naturopath, I have been treating patients at Naturheilzentrum Bottrop for more than 25 years. COVID-19, or the new Coronavirus, is and remains the big issue this summer – and rightly so. But aside from that, there are other factors which also affect our health, especially at this time of year.

Many People, especially the elderly, have circulatory problems in summer due to the blazing heat. With global warming, this problem is likely to get worse in the future if we do not take appropriate measures to combat climate change. However, everyone can do something about circulatory problems in the heat – and often with very natural remedies.


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Circulatory problems in summer – how do they arise?

Circulatory problems in summer mainly arise through the blood vessels expanding due to the heat. As a result, blood pressure drops. This can then lead to typical symptoms such as dizziness, weakness or heavy legs. The blood plummets downward and less of it flows to the brain. In severe cases, there is even a risk of circulatory collapse. That’s why everyone should take these symptoms seriously. A doctor or naturopath should first determine whether there is an organic cause of circulatory problems in the heat, such as cardiac insufficiency. In such cases, targeted therapy of the underlying illness is important.

However, if no such treatment is recommended, anyone can help themselves with simple remedies to get to grips with circulatory problems in summer.

Health news with tips from the naturopathy practice: Dizziness, circulatory collapse & Co. in summer

Summer circulatory problems – it’s important to drink a lot

One tried and tested remedy for summer circulatory problems is to drink a lot. If our bodies are dehydrated, blood pressure will drop even further and worsen the symptoms. Pay attention to what you drink. Alcohol widens the blood vessels even more and additionally removes water from the body. You should also enjoy caffeinated drinks only in moderation or with caution.

The best things to drink are water, fruit juices or tea. However, you should resist the temptation to consume very cold drinks if you are already struggling with circulatory problems. Otherwise, your body will need to work even harder to bring the fluid in you up to body temperature. Personally, I take a leaf out of the southern Europeans’ book and regularly drink a hot cup of tea, because it’s refreshing and cooling – the opposite to what you might think. Other drinks such as water, in contrast, are mostly served at room temperature.

Blog Naturheilzentrum: Why it is so important to drink a lot in summer

A tea made from hawthorn leaves and flowers is highly recommended if you want to, e.g. strengthen your heart. They have been shown to strengthen the heart from within. There are no known side effects. This is one of the reasons why hawthorn was also named the ‘medicinal plant of the year’ in 2019: https://www.mdr.de/mdr-garten/pflanzen/weissdorn-steckbrief-arzneipflanze-des-jahres-100.html

Like my mother, I brew it according to the following recipe: Pour about 150 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of hawthorn leaves and flowers, and let it steep. You can drink the tea three to four times a day.

Video #nabomade: With stable circulation naturally fit and healthy through the summer

Do you have circulatory problems when it’s hot? Look for a way to cool down in summer

Cooling down also helps with circulatory problems in summer. Of course, you can’t just run away from the heat. But you can at least make it more bearable by avoiding exertion and always remaining in the shade. Letting some air in at the right times (mornings and evenings) has the same effect as cold water on your skin. For example, if you keep your wrists in cold water for a few seconds, it can help to lower your body temperature.

If you notice that your circulation is still sluggish in the heat, then put your legs up a little. This makes it easier for your heart to pump blood through your whole body. If you live in an attic apartment and it gets too stuffy for you, just ask friends or relatives if they will take you in for a while.

When the circulation causes problems - Healthy cooling and other home remedies of naturopathy

More tips for your healthy summer

If you want to avoid circulatory problems in summer & when it’s hot, you can also take precautions. If you already have a strong circulatory system, it will certainly not be easy to derail it, even if the weather gets hot in summer. You can achieve this by incorporating physical exercise into your everyday life. Work out regularly if you can. But even a regular walk can achieve a lot for your health and well-being.

You can find even more tips for summer, e.g. home remedies for sweating & sunburn here on the website under “News” or in the new video on the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop YouTube channel. I wish you lots of fun reading and watching, and hope you come through the rest of the summer without any circulatory problems. Of course, you are always welcome at our practice if you have any questions. But now tell me your stories. Do you struggle with circulatory problems in summer? And what has helped you up to now? Write your recommendations to me/us in the comments section.

Best regards,

Christian Rüger

Christian Rüger
About the author
Christian Rüger
... sets a good example in terms of health. he motivates PEOPLE with his vast knowledge, calm demeanor, and – above all - the interest he shows in them. as a reliable representative of the naturopathy of tomorrow, the director of naturheilzentrum bottrop conveys his knowledge as an author, lecturer, and teacher. patients particularly rely on his skills in the treatment of chronic degenerative eye diseases. christian rüger represents an enrichment to complementary medicine with his therapeutic approach, and has therefore gained attention beyond the borders of germany.

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