Suggestions for YOUR healthy year in 2021 – despite the Coronavirus!

Looking ahead with a quick review and helpful tips for you: they’ll certainly help you to successfully get through the winter months
Dear Friends and Guests,
Patients and Relatives,
Followers and nabos,
2020 – a year that will go down in the history books. But it’s also a year that has encouraged and inspired contemplation – and not only with regard to the past. The novel coronavirus and the disease that it causes, Covid-19, have drastically changed the way we live. Ultimately, we still do not understand and/or know very much about this new disease. This fact and the associated uncertainty worry many of you, as we hear time and again at the naturopathic practice. Furthermore, no one can look closely at how exactly things are going and predict when we can finally return to normality.
We shall be by your side, of course, and we won’t turn away from you! It is precisely for this reason that we are looking ahead to the opportunities offered by this crisis – because there are some: the issue of health has rarely been the focus of so much attention. This means many good possibilities for each of us – for example, the chance to lead a healthier and more sustainable life. Maybe even a better one.
That’s why everything will be fine
How does that work? We see it as our mission to provide you with tips and suggestions for this, and it’s something which is close to our hearts! We’ve been on the road a lot for you during the whole of 2020 – with the aim of getting you through this winter a little healthier and with fewer worries. We have packaged the accumulated knowledge into little portions for you – from YouTube videos to blog posts that are well worth reading.
We believe that sharing this information with you is not only useful in the fight against the Coronavirus, but also important in the long term. Because common illnesses such as high blood pressure or gastritis are considered as afflictions, if not as manifested diseases of affluence. Ultimately, an overall more robust population can only be beneficial for everyone, especially during a pandemic like the current one.
We’ve done the research: can high blood pressure actually be treated with alternative remedies?
Now that it’s cold and dark outside, it’s a great time to deal with things that would otherwise sink into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This should definitely include the topic of high blood pressure. High blood pressure can become a slow killer and it’s therefore something which should be taken seriously, as it can damage your blood vessels while going unnoticed over many years.
The most important thing is to determine whether you are suffering from high blood pressure. This can, of course, be done by visiting a doctor, but it’s also possible to get this diagnosis from a naturopath. They should also be your first points of contact – at the same time, if possible – when it comes to expert diagnostics or treatment.
Fortunately, if you suffer from high blood pressure, there are now many ways of doing something about it – and even possibly of taking preventive measures. This is particularly true when it comes to making a more positive lifestyle change. Can you treat high blood pressure with alternative remedies? If you do it right, you can – in the best-case scenario – reduce blood pressure naturally, which means an increase in the quality of life. You can find out more on the linked website page.
Using naturopathy against gastritis?
“Big feasts” are on the agenda for many People, especially over the holidays. Apart from adding extra pounds to the ribs, gluttony can also have other side effects, such as gastric mucosal inflammation or gastritis. This is undoubtedly unpleasant and is guaranteed to spoil everyone’s appetite. Other factors such as too much stress can also exacerbate gastritis. One more reason to think more about your own lifestyle and the attitude toward life associated with it.
If you suspect that you have gastritis, go directly to a naturopath or doctor and get a firm diagnosis. Then, after consultation with the therapists, you’ll be able to treat the gastric mucosal inflammation not only medically, but also in a natural way. Because the home remedies for gastritis that our ancestors knew for a long time still work. One of the most important of them is: gentle food. Don’t overload the stomach, but eat light meals instead. One example of this is oatmeal. It ranks as one of the absolute classics when combined with a banana and some cinnamon, especially on a stressed stomach – and incidentally, it can be quite tasty too.
Porridge or oatmeal will certainly be familiar to all of you. It can be a really good choice for stomach problems, so how about a hearty variation of it? Here is our Personal recipe tip for you:
- 100 g rolled oats
- 200 ml water
- 3 tbsp vegetable stock
- 1 clove garlic
- Salt, pepper, basil and oregano
- 1/2 onion or shallot
- Vegetables according to taste (e.g. carrots or mushrooms)
First place the rolled oats in the vegetable broth, then add the water. Chop up the onion and garlic as finely as possible. Note: it’s best to omit them if you have stomach problems like gastritis.
Meanwhile, turn on the stove and heat the oats in the vegetable broth until the whole thing is cooked. Then add the herbs, onions and garlic. Sauté the vegetables of your choice alongside them.
When the oatmeal has the right consistency, remove it from the stove and mix with the vegetables. Voilà!
Getting to the bottom of food misconceptions
While we’re on the subject of food: in everyday life, you’re sure to come across “pieces of wisdom” regarding food, time and again. Some things have just been etched into our brains. For example, cola is supposed to be a particularly good remedy in cases of diarrhea. And alcohol after eating? Stimulates digestion – that’s what they always say.
Would you agree with those statements? Then you have just fallen two of the biggest food misconceptions. Some of the things you tell yourself are just not true. This is precisely why it is important to not just rely on hearsay, but also to always seek expert advice, e.g. from a naturopath or ecotrophologist.
Incidentally, our very own Annette Rinkewitz has blogged about the topic of food myths. It’s an article which is well worth reading and contains lots of exciting information, which you can use for yourself, your everyday life, and above all, for a healthier lifestyle.
Here’s to a healthier and, if possible, less of a “pandemic-filled” year in 2021!
These topics are just a small selection of all of the many exciting things we’ve reported on for you in 2020. As always, you will find all the posts in the news and blog sections of the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop website. Furthermore, we have edited every topic into a video for you – along with your health experts, Farid Zitoun and Christian Rüger, of course. You can find the videos on our YouTube channel.
We are definitely looking forward to a positive year with you in 2021. Knowledge and tips on health and lifestyle 2 Go, fresh content and everyday knowledge – we’re with you and for you. This is the motto of Naturheilzentrum Bottrop. And we have more things planned. They will also be waiting for you in the new year. What we can already tell you is that a great and new user experience awaits you next year, along with exciting articles and blog posts. Our website will shine with a new splendor. We are already working on this with enthusiasm.
Thanks to the fresh, clear design, it’s even faster and easier for you to find great and useful content in the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop news und blog sections, and thus always keep well informed about everything – for the good of your health!
Finally, there is also a helpful tidbit from Bottrop’s naturopathic practice: winter time is the cold season and many of you are wondering what you can do about it. In our article about herbs for use against colds, we give you some useful tips on what might help you.
Once again: Thank you very much
Of course, there could be no nabo newsletter without us thanking all of you out there who support us. In words, with gestures, on the Internet or here at the practice. Whether you are a silent reader, follower, active commentator or patient at the naturopathic practice, you mean the world to all of us and fill us with happiness and joy, time and again.
What we get back from you every day is just phenomenal. Your great feedback motivates us to continue to give our best and fills us with sincere gratitude. We put our hearts, souls, love and passion into everything we do and the ways in which we can give back to you.
PS: We are always open to hearing from you, as we have shown you time and again – before, during and, of course, after the Coronavirus crisis. Take the opportunity to just come and visit us at the naturopathic practice. Or leave us a comment, for example on Facebook or Twitter. We answer questions very quickly and being in Personal contact with you is something very special for us! We hope you have a fantastic start to the coming year, full of optimism and positive vibes for the good things that await us all.
With warmest regards and very best wishes, we now say “See you soon and stay healthy!”
with the Naturheilzentrum Bottrop Team
© farid zitoun & christian rüger – #nabomade®
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